Metallica — The Day that never comes

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Видео разбор песни «Metallica — The Day that never comes. Урок для начинающих»

Настройка гитары: Стандартная

Текст песни:

Born to push you around
Better just stay down
You pull away
He hits the flesh
You hit the ground

Mouth so full lies
Tend to block your eyes
Just keep em closed
Keep praying
Just keep waiting

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
The sunshine never comes no

No the sunshine never comes
Push you across that line
just stay down this time
Hidin yourself
Crawlin yourself
You had your time
God ill make them pay
Take it back one day
I'll end this day
I'll spot a color on this gray

Waiting for the one
The day that never comes
When you stand up and feel the warmth
The sunshine never comes

Love is fallen word
Never spoke it yeaahh
Love is a fallen word
Here in this prison

I'll suffer this no longer
I'll put it into
This I swear
This I swear
The sun will shine
This I swear
This I swear

This I swear.

Автор разбора: Роберт

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Комментарии (3 комментария) на "Metallica — The Day that never comes"

  1. Владислав:

    Отличный разбор.Продолжай в том же духе!

  2. Ульяна:

    Классно, спасибо!!))

  3. Стас:

    Чувак, самое интересное пропустил, концовку бы

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