Amon Amarth — Pursuit of Vikings
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Видео разбор песни «Amon Amarth — Pursuit of Vikings. Урок для начинающих»
Настройка гитары: До (относительно стандартного строя на 2 тона ниже) Текст песни: The warm sun returns again. And the snow is melting. Sea ice is free from chains. Winter retreats. Standing by the ocean We listen to the waves Beckoning us with the tide sail to our destiny. One! Bring our ships Direct our axes, spears and swords. Guide us through storms the cruel war. Our ships are waiting on the shore. The time has come to leave our country, family and hearth for the wealth in the east. Some of us are screwed. But it will not knock us. Our destinies are woven Norns. Ram through the nose of the ship. And when we set our sails Strong breeze blows in them. He will bring us into the sea With hope and pride. And that would be nice who will die with a sword in his hand.
Автор разбора: Ivan Selivanov
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